Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2016)                   JAP 2016, 7(3): 21-29 | Back to browse issues page

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khamestan M, sadeghi S E, samadi K, forozan M. Evaluation of comparison between Remifentanil infusion and single dose intravenous Hydralazine + Propranolol administration to provide controlled hypotension in patients undergoing Rhino plastic surgery in khalili hospital during the 1393-94.. JAP 2016; 7 (3) :21-29
URL: http://jap.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5282-en.html
1- shiraz university of medical sciences , mahsakhhh8989@gmail.com
2- shiraz university of medical sciences
Abstract:   (4562 Views)

Introduction: Since the amount of  bleeding during surgery has significant effects on the result of rhino plastic surgery, then all of the actions which cause reduction in bleeding are very useful and important. This study is done to compare two different ways of causing controlled hypotension during rhino plastic surgery.

Method: In this randomized clinical trial, 80 patients with ASA class one and two who were candidate for rhinoplasty,  has been studied. These patients were randomly divided into two groups of forty individuals. In group A, single dose of  Hydralazine and propranolol , and in group B remifentanil  were used as maintenance medication. Surgeon satisfaction during surgery, patient's blood pressure and heart rate during surgery were recorded. The result of data analysis by software SPSS is shown.

Results: Context variables, surgery and anaesthiology features were equal in both groups. Surgeon satisfaction of operation field was higher in remifentanil group( p-value less than 0.001). Mean duration of surgery was higher in remifentanil group. Heart rate in two groups didn't have significant difference.(p-value 0.156). Blood pressure was significantly reduced  in remifentanil group .(p-value 0.036).

Discussion and Conclusion: Generally, based on the results concluded that anesthesia by remifentanil Infusion prescription can reduce blood loss and increases surgeon satisfaction during rhinoplasty surgery, this is significantly more effective than a Single Dose Intravenous Hydralazine and Propranolol.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Special
Received: 2016.03.28 | Accepted: 2016.09.11 | Published: 2016.12.16

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