Volume 13, Issue 3 (11-2022)                   JAP 2022, 13(3): 59-70 | Back to browse issues page

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alvani E, letafatkar A, Haddadnejad M. The effect of scapula stabilization exercises on pain and motor function in patients with scapular dyskinesia: A validity review article. JAP 2022; 13 (3) :59-70
URL: http://jap.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5651-en.html
1- 1. PhD Student, Department of Biomechanics and Sports Pathology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- 2. Associate Professor, Department of Biomechanics and Sports Pathology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran , letafatkaramir@yahoo.com
3- 3. Associate Professor, Department of Biomechanics and Sports Pathology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1052 Views)
Background and Objectives: Changes in bone position and scapular movements affect shoulder function and can lead to scapular dyskinesia. The purpose of this validity review article was to evaluate the effect of scapular stabilization exercises on pain and motor function in patients with scapular dyskinesia.
Materials and Methods: Search with related keywords in all years and in Magiran, Google Scholar, Elmnet and PEDRO websites with keywords Scapular Stabilization exercise, Scapular-focused exercise, Scapular Dyskinesia, Motor function, Pain, Kinematics and scapular position was performed. Studies investigating the effect of scapular stabilization exercises on scapular dyskinesia were included in the study. PEDro scale was used to evaluate the quality of imported articles.
Results: Thirty studies were reviewed, of which five studies that had inclusion criteria (score higher than 5 on the Pedro scale) were selected for review. There were many differences in the methodology, the main index to be evaluated, the number of samples, the method of implementation, the method of evaluating the variables, etc. in the studies. In people with dyskinesia, stabilizing exercise reduces pain and improves motor function.
Conclusion: The results of previous studies showed that scapular stabilization exercises improve scapular dyskinesia.
Full-Text [PDF 322 kb]   (450 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: General
Received: 2022.05.2 | Accepted: 2022.06.28 | Published: 2022.11.1

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