Jafarnezhadgero A, Heshmatizadeh S. Lower limb kinematic in low back pain patients with pronated foot before and after a selected training protocol during walking
. JAP 2019; 9 (4) :89-99
1- University of Mohaghegh Ardabili , amiralijafarnezhad@gmail.com
2- University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Abstract: (3481 Views)
Aims and background: The aim of this study was evaluation the kinematics of the hip, knee, ankle and pelvis in low back pain patients who had pronated foot before and after a selected training protocol during walking. Material and methods: 23 men (15 men with low back pain and pronated foot as a control group and 17 men with low back pain and pronated foot as experimental group) were volunteered to participate in this study. The experimental group didresistance training with Teraband for 12 weeks, 3 sessions per week. The kinematic data was recorded by 4 Vicon cameras during walking. Findings: The results of this study in the experimental group showed that during the post-test, the walking speed was higher than the pre-test )p>0.05(. The results showed that the effect of time factor on pelvic posterior tilt was significant (p=0.001). Also, increas in ankle planar flexion (about 6 degrees) and the ankle joint range of motion (about 4 degree) during the post-test in comparison with the pre-test in the experimental group were observed (p=0.000). Conclusion: Regarding the increase in walking speed in low back pain patients with pronated foot during post-test compared to the pre-test, the less of changes in the lower limb joints angles and the absence of absolute pelvic angle indicate better mechanical efficiency of walking after exercise program.
Type of Study:
Original |
Acute pain managment Received: 2018.11.18 | Accepted: 2018.12.15 | Published: 2019.02.15