Ebrahimi Z, asadi majareh S, Akbari B, Naderi Nabi B. The relationship between Alexithymia and Emotion Dysregulation with quality of life in Patients with chronic pain. JAP 2017; 8 (3) :1-11
1- rasht branch, Islamic azad university,
2- rasht branch, Islamic azad university, , asadimajreh_psy@yahoo.com
3- Guilan university of medical.
Abstract: (21021 Views)
Aim and Background: This study was performed with the purpose to determine the role of alexithymia and emotion dysregulation in quality of life in patients with chronic pain. Materials and methods: This research is descriptive and correlational. The research sample consisted of 150 patients(90female and 60male) with chronic pain who referred to Gilan pain clinic in march-June 2017. They were selected by available sampling method. Toronto’s Alexithymia scale, Gratz and Roemer emotion dysregulation Scale and Quality of Life Scale were used for their evaluation. Data was analyzed by using Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression. Findings: The results showed a negative significant relationship between Alexithymia and emotion dysregulation with quality of life (p <0.01), and the difficulty in identifying emotions and emotion dysregulation predict about 32% of the quality of life changes in patients with chronic pain (P <0.01). Conclusion: Alexithymia and emotion dysregulation are involved in the quality of life in chronic pain patients and the need to pay attention to emotional responses can improve the quality of life in patients.
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Chronic pain managment Received: 2017.07.28 | Accepted: 2017.08.24 | Published: 2017.11.24