Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2017)                   JAP 2017, 8(2): 45-52 | Back to browse issues page

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Keramati K, abdollahi M, asghari bagh kheirati A, abdollahi M, shaenannia galesh kalami D. the Interferential Effect of thymus vulgaris Extract and Flunixin meglumine on Mice Visceral Pain: Experimental study . JAP 2017; 8 (2) :45-52
URL: http://jap.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5334-en.html
1- semnan university , Mostafadvm.abdollahi@gmail.com
2- semnan university
3- dampezeshki
Abstract:   (5316 Views)
 Aim and Background: Based on existing scientific information Thymus vulgaris is a medical herb which has anti- inflammatory effects. Visceral pain is an unpleasant feeling, however its treatment with NSAIDs results in serious side effects such as gastric ulcer, blood dyscrasia and Renal failure. In order to decrease these side effects and the dosage of drugs, co-administration of synergistic herbal medicine with these drugs can be a solution. The aim of this study was to evaluate the palliative interactive effect of hydroalcholic extract of Thymus vulgaris and Flunixinmeglumine on visceral pain. Methods and Materials: This experimental study was performed on 40 N-MRI male mice (36±4g).Animals were randomly divided into five groups: Negative Control group treated with normal saline, Positive Control group treated with Flunixin (2 mg/kg) and treatment groups receiving Flunixin (1mg/kg), Thymus vulgaris(100mg/kg) and both Thymus(100mg/kg) plus Flunixin(1mg/kg). All these groups received drugs and hydroalcholic extracts via intraperitonial injection. The Mices were injected with acetic acid 0.6% (10ml/kg) for visceral pain induction, and 15 minutes after each intraperitoneal administration, palliative effects were recorded by counting the number of Writhing during 30 minutes. The data was analyzed by SPSS using One-Way ANOVA (Tukey) test. The significant value was shown with p <0.001. Findings: The positive control group and treatment groups showed a significant reduction in pain response when compared to negative control group (p>0.001). Both Postive control and Thymus-Flunixin groups had a significant reduction in pain response in comparison with both Flunixin and Thymus groups (p<0.001) but they showed no significant difference relative to each other (p>0.001). conclusions: Co-administration of Thymus vulgaris and Flunixin results in synergistic analgesic effect.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Acute pain managment
Received: 2017.04.4 | Accepted: 2017.05.14 | Published: 2017.07.24

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