Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2017)                   JAP 2017, 8(3): 44-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghazi A, Akhavan Akbari G, Feizi I. The efficiency and side effects of morphine and diclofenac suppositories versus intramuscular pethedine in controlling post operative pain after appendectomy and inguinal hernia repair . JAP 2017; 8 (3) :44-53
URL: http://jap.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5326-en.html
1- Ardabil University of medical sciences , Dr.GhaziAhmad@Gmail.com
2- Ardabil University of medical sciences
Abstract:   (88773 Views)

 Aims and background: Pain is an unpleasant experience due to tissue damage. Postoperative pain control is one of the essential issues in postoperative care, and plays an important role in quick healing of general status of surgery patients. Appropriate control of the postoperative pain is particularly important in preventing tachycardia, hypertension, myocardial ischemia, decreased alveolar ventilation and poor wound healing. Therefore, in this study the efficacy and adverse effects of morphine and diclofenac suppositories are compared to injectable pethedine in controlling postoperative pain in appendectomy and inguinal hernia. Material and Methods: This study is a clinical trial. The patients were among the ones admitted to Doctor Fatemi Hospital of Ardabil city with appendicitis and inguinal hernia, aged between 18 to 70 years old during 1392. 75 individuals, chosen in 3 groups of 25 patients by Systematic random allocation were chosen.The first group received 10 mg of morphine suppository after surgery, the second group received 100 mg of Diclofenac suppository after surgery, and in the third group 50 mg of intra muscular pethedine was used to control pain. Findings: The average scores of pain )VAS( in the Diclofenac receiving group at 2- 6-12- 24 hours after surgery were 4/56, 4/40, 3.68 and 3/36, respectively. The average scores in the morphine suppository group were 4/36, 3/84, 3/12, and 2/44, respectively; the scores were 6/52, 6/68, 6/28 and 5/84 in the control group )pethedine group(. According to ANOVAS test, there was significant difference among patients’ pain relief in the three studied groups. conclusion: Both morphine and diclofenac suppositories, cause significant pain relief in comparison to the group receiving IM pethedine to control pain after appendectomy and inguinal hernia surgery

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Acute pain managment
Received: 2017.01.9 | Accepted: 2017.09.16 | Published: 2017.11.24

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