Volume 6, Issue 2 (Journal of Anesthesiology and Pain 2015)                   JAP 2015, 6(2): 32-41 | Back to browse issues page

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akbarzadeh D, rajabzadeh A, aminibayrami H, mohamadzadeh A. Comparing the mean score of Depression, sleep quality and resiliency in patients with Migraine and Tension type headaches with healthy individuals. JAP 2015; 6 (2) :32-41
URL: http://jap.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5193-en.html
1- , davou.akbarzadeh@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4226 Views)
Aim and Background: Headache is one of the most common complaints of patients and it has different causes .Migraine and Tension headaches are among the most common types of headache. Depression, sleep problems and low resilience are much more seen in patients with migraine and tension-type headaches. Methods and Materials: This is a case-control study the studied sample consists of 44 patients with tensiontype headache diagnosis, and 42 patients with migraine headache selected among those referred to Headache clinics and clinics in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran. Also 43 healthy individuals matched with the other two groups according to age, gender and educational level were included.The Beck depression scale, Pittsburgh sleep quality index and Connor resilience scale were used. Data were analyzed using multivariable analysis of variance (MANOVA). Findings: There were significant differences in depression, sleep quality, and resilience mean scores between both groups of patients (migraine and tension-type headaches) with healthy individuals (P< 0.01). Mean depression score and sleep quality in patients with migraine headache were higher than the other two groups (2/41 ± 18/80 for depression and 3/30 ± 12/33 for sleep quality). Mean resilience in patients with migraine headache was lower than the other group of patients and the control group (3/04 ± 35/80). Conclusions: Considering significant correlation between migraine and tension type headache (TTH) with depression, sleep problems and low resilience evaluation of psychological aspect of these patients is necessary for quick treatment. Keywords: Depression, Sleep Quality, Resilience, Migraine Type Headaches, Tension-type Headache
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Special
Received: 2015.02.5 | Accepted: 2015.04.23 | Published: 2015.06.22

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