Firoozi M, Besharat M A, Souri Z. The predicting effect of attachment styles on pain catastrophizing, self-efficacy and acceptance in patients with chronic pain
. JAP 2018; 9 (1) :55-67
1- University of Tehran , mfiroozy@ut,
2- University of Tehran
Abstract: (2936 Views)
Aim and Background: Differences in attachment styles have been linked to cognitive variables in patients with chronic pain, but mechanisms through which attachment styles might impact cognitive factors are unclear. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of predicting attachment styles on pain self-efficacy and acceptance in patients with chronic pain. Materials and Methods: In a descriptive-correlational study, convenience sampling was used to select 120 chronic pain patients from pain clinic of Akhtar hospital in Tehran, Iran during three months. The participants completed a demographic questionnaire, Adult Attachment Inventory, Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire and Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire. Data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation and step by step regression models. Findings: The correlations between attachment styles & depending variables in this study were significant (P<0.01). Based on the results of regression analysis, secure and ambivalent attachment styles were able to predict pain self-efficacy and acceptance in patients with chronic pain. Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, it can be concluded that secure and ambivalent attachment styles can predict pain self-efficacy and acceptance. Considering these variables may be important in the processes of prevention, diagnosis and treatment reparation of attachment, as well as promoting mental health in patients with chronic pain.
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Original |
Chronic pain managment Received: 2018.01.25 | Accepted: 2018.04.8 | Published: 2018.05.12