Volume 4, Issue 4 (winter 2014)                   JAP 2014, 4(4): 28-34 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Urmia University of Medical Sciences
2- Urmia University of Medical Sciences , ar_mahoori@ yahoo.com
3- Qom University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (5174 Views)

Aim and background : One of the problems that may occur in Intensive care units is unplanned extubation, which has major potential for complications and mortality and is an important complication of endotracheal intubation.

Methods and Materials : This prospective analytical study was performed on 150 patients admitted to intensive care unit at Urmia Imam Khomeini hospital who all needed mechanical ventilation. Among them 123 patients were intubated and 27 patients had tracheostomy. Their total days of intubation were calculated and all the unplanned extubations were registered. Then the ratio of this event to the total days of intubation was measured.

 Findings : From 150 patients, 10% suffered from unplanned extubation with a prevalence of 1.34%) during 1114 days of Intubation). The mean time of intubation was 25.13±5.93 days and the mean time of mechanical ventilation was 24.20±5.94 days. Among other patient groups, these figures were 13.10 ±1.48 and 12.76±7.42 days, respectively. The measured figures for unplanned extubation were statistically significant compared with other groups, when t- test was used (P= 0.01).

 Conclusion: The f requency of unplanned extubation at intensive care units of Urmia Emam Khomeini hospital is similar to other centers according to the similar studies which have been performed.

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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Postanesthesia Care
Received: 2014.03.5 | Accepted: 2014.03.5 | Published: 2014.03.5

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